Hi, I'm How things have changed
Marc Posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago


and welcome back to everyone who decided to check back on my blog. Great to see you (even though i can only imagine you reading this as of typing this).

Almost 3 years since my last update. ChatGPT was release to the public and the corona virus took over the world. I was still studying and was programming this website as a hobby / to be graded for a software architecture class.Schools, shops and people were slowly opening themselves again after the harsh year of 2020-21.

Lots of things have changes ever since. For the better.

I graduated with a good enough grade to easily apply for a masters (if i chose to), made some great connections with new friends (most of which I am still in touch with) and technically have change my world around. After handing over my bachelors thesis, my mental had to take a break. And a break I took: Japan for 6 weeks. Without boring you with an ungodly amount of details about a trip that I took last year (! how time flies), I just want to share one thing. Taking a trip at the other end of the world needs to break me from my shyness and was intended to show me what I can archive and see in the most unknowns of places, all by myself, in an environment I cannot control, but am forced to manage all alone. Wasn't long until new friends were made and places explored. Ok ok I won't dive deep into my trip. All in all, this trip made me grow as a person in the way that I wasn't that scared anymore to take scary decisions and gather the confidence to do something I've never done before (not that I've mastered it, but it was a huge step into the right direction).

Anyway, here is the link to my photo album, if you care about seeing way too many pictures. (Yes I tried to curate the best pictures into a short 100 pictures album, but failed to motivate myself and the hoard of pictures - 50GB - is yet to conquer):

Fun fact! I flew on September 11th and nothing out of the ordinary happened :)

cloud.mkrabs.de - Japan 2023

Apart from that, life after univercity feels weird: Hunted successfully for a job in IT, for a company I really like working. Hunted for an apartment I've wanted since two years. Hunting for someone in my life now. Why does everything make me think of hunting? Are my primal instincts coming up? Ooga booga?? My last trip was a combined tour from Hong-Kong to South Korea!

cloud.mkrabs.de - Hong Kong and South Korea 2024

Anyways... it's almost 1AM. I'd rather get some sleep than be reminiscent of the past.

Leave a message if you feel like it.

Goodnight folks <3

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Commented 1 month ago