Hi, I'm 13TRIS
Marc Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

13TRIS - The Block Game With a Twist

Marc Gökce
Felix Gervasi
Daniel Köck
Ishaan Singh
Daniel Mayer

Hello there!

We are a team of (currently) five members, who want to implement our own version of the well-known Tetris game (13TRIS). We chose this project because we love games and we were interested in using technologies different from the ones we learned in lectures like „Programmieren“. Making a game seemed like a good starting point for that.

You might ask „why would I play Tetris when I can shoot at people in CS:GO“? Well, only recent publications like Nintendo’s „Tetris 99“ show that even an old game like Tetris is still relevant. However, we won’t charge you 20 bucks to play the game. It will be free (however we reserve the right to include in-game transactions obviously)! Features

Our vision of Tetris will feature multiplayer as well as single-player modes. You will be able to create an account and compete with others and climb up on a leaderboard! But even if you have no friends we got you covered with an AI-driven bot that you can play against. We also offer a great user experience through an intuitive web UI. Technologies

Website 👉 https://13tris.mkrabs.de
Github 👉 https://github.com/13TRIS/13TRIS
Original Post 👉 https://13tris.dkoeck.de/blog/s3-w1-our-first-post/

Hello there!

We are a team of (currently) five members, who want to implement our own version of the well-known Tetris game (13TRIS). We chose this project because we love games and we were interested in using technologies different from the ones we learned in lectures like „Programmieren“. Making a game seemed like a good starting point for that.

You might ask „why would I play Tetris when I can shoot at people in CS:GO“? Well, only recent publications like Nintendo’s „Tetris 99“ show that even an old game like Tetris is still relevant. However, we won’t charge you 20 bucks to play the game. It will be free (however we reserve the right to include in-game transactions obviously)!


Our vision of Tetris will feature multiplayer as well as single-player modes. You will be able to create an account and compete with others and climb up on a leaderboard! But even if you have no friends we got you covered with an AI-driven bot that you can play against. We also offer a great user experience through an intuitive web UI.


At this point we plan to use the following technologies (although we are not sure yet):


Challenges to come (and possible solutions)

Making an old game like Tetris interesting

Despite the arguments at the top of this post, we know that some people might think Tetris is a boring game. Our challenge will be to make it interesting enough so everybody can enjoy it.

Getting familiar with foreign tools and technologies

Working on a project means learning a lot of new tools and this takes a lot of time. As a software engineer for example you know how frustrating it can be to set up a new environment in an IDE. We think it is important to keep that in mind and not underestimate the time we will have to spend figuring all that stuff out.

Time management

As some of you might know studying at a university is no cakewalk. Time is always a problem and creating such a project takes a lot. So managing this kind of task in addition to attending lectures, preparing homework, learning for exams, working in a company, and writing papers will for sure be challenging. This is why time management will be very important which is why one of our first steps will be getting used to our project management tools to avoid stress where possible.

Next steps

Our next steps include:


Now we have said enough. If you managed to read till the end you can pat yourself on the back now. Keep looking for updates on our blog and we wish everyone good luck and much success!

The 13TRIS team 🤖

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